Year: 2022

PHP File Upload
PHP File Upload

Automatically generate a secure single page upload form in php/html. Form Filename: Upload Directory: Filetypes (CSV): Size Limit (Kb): Form Width (%): Bgcol: mySQL: MYSQL Settings: Host: Database: User: Password: As the form is made client-side none of this information is sent to the server Your password will remain private. ID: Name: Size: Date: Type: […]

Human Readable Spectrum Files
Human Readable Spectrum Files

XML based spectrum files and a Python class for reading, writing, and modifying them. I was hoping to put together a Javascript tool for visualising the Red-shift of different celestial phenomena over different distances.Sadly it didn’t take long to learn the dominant file format for spectra (.SPC) is binary encoded and pretty complex; as a […]

Time Dilation Calculators
Time Dilation Calculators

Lorentz Factors Adopted by Poincaré and Einstein in 1905 the Lorentz factor is a measure of how much measurements of time, length, and related properties change while matter/observer is moving. It measures the difference in time-space scales measured from two frames of reference (moving and rest) at relativistic speeds.We can calculate this factor as such: […]

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