Hosting I rent a VPS from digital ocean, it’s running Ubuntu 18.04 and resources can be scaled as required, billed per second. They don’t pay me anything to advertise them and still I wholeheartedly recommend it. The VPS is configured for providing hosting to me and my clients, as well as a few cronjobs and […]
Philosophy of Mathematics
On the undecidability of mortality.If you have a background in predicate logic or computer programming you’ve probably heard the phrase “All men are mortal, Socrates is a man. Therefore Socrates is mortal”. We’ll come back to this phrase because I take offense with every single claim it makes. It 1936 it was proven by Alan Turing that there is […]

Old Projects
Drawing Plants in C#Today I’d like to share another old project of mine.I’ve been looking through my old YouTube uploads and trying to see which scripts I can still track down. Most scripts I wrote as a beginner programmer I’ve shared at some point on my Facebook (A practice I stopped about 8 years ago). If I look […]
Old Projects
Pascal ASCII AnimationI’d like to share some very early ASCII art of mine; a pascal ascii animation I thought was lost to time. I was still relatively new to programming when I made this so I didn’t think of things like backups. I didn’t have anything particularly useful to motivate me to preserve it. By chance it […]

Online L-System DrawerThe L-System, or Lindenmayer system, named after it’s creator, Aristid Lindenmayer.L-systems were introduced in 1968 to describe the behavior of plant cells and model the growth of a variety of organisms. However, L-Systems are an incredibly versatile tool. In no way are they limited to biology; anywhere requiring parallel state changes can be modeled with […]

Drawing With GravitySimulation is a great way to learn new concepts. Whenever I’m confronted with some scary physics equation I can’t follow I usually try to find the equivalent concept in a syntax I know. In the following post I will covering a few loose simulations of Newtonian inspired gravity.It’s not true Newtonian gravity as I was […]

Game Design
Javascript Map MakerThis is a map maker I began making for a game I was designing with a friend, that has since been put on hold while everyone is occupied with life/study. The Map Maker was designed to run smooth on touchscreen/Tablet (ipad in particular), and like the rest of the project, it was designed so we […]

Web Development
PHP File UploadAutomatically generate a secure single page upload form in php/html. Form Filename: Upload Directory: Filetypes (CSV): Size Limit (Kb): Form Width (%): Bgcol: mySQL: MYSQL Settings: Host: Database: User: Password: As the form is made client-side none of this information is sent to the server Your password will remain private. ID: Name: Size: Date: Type: […]

Audio Compression
Extrema Compression (Part 2)Part 2 is on decompression, start with Part 1 Extrema Compression (Part 1)Decompression:Luckily for us the decompression phase is much simpler than the compression phase. It would have been simpler regardless but We create a new wave file for the output, we simply need to have a while loop read through the file five bytes […]

Game Design
Python Model Sword MakerMake a variety of sword, knives, hammer/axes, polearms, and much more with only a few lines code. The code is split into 3 Tools for processing triangle meshes. The triangle mesh is a list of triangles composed of 3 vertices, each with a corresponding colour (RGB from 0 to 1). Currently the library only […]