Category: Site News

Tro reads __ series

Introduction: I’m hoping to start a new content series where I slowly read math-heavy non-fiction books and try to port them into programming languages as I go along. Usually I’d say it will be in Python, though if the situation calls for it I will use whichever language I believe is ideal for the task. […]

Works in progress

I realise it’s been sometime since my last post. Don’t fear, the site’s still well and truly active. I am going through some personal stuff and accommodation issues following the death of a very close friend and housemate.Although my being is inseparable-from/interwoven-with mathematics and programming, I must take some time to focus on being the […]

Back online

I’ve been more active online lately so I’m bringing the site back, it’ll mostly just be programming related stuff, but I’ll try to share a bunch of other bits and pieces if they’re interesting. Hoping to launch a few online services this year so I’ll be incentivised to stay active enough to get some engagement.

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