Introduction: I’m hoping to start a new content series where I slowly read math-heavy non-fiction books and try to port them into programming languages as I go along. Usually I’d say it will be in Python, though if the situation calls for it I will use whichever language I believe is ideal for the task. […]
Philosophy of Mathematics
Is Science Mind-Independent?I recently engaged in an argument on social media. This isn’t anything rare or profound, most of my arguments happen on social media. What was rare and profound was the fact that this conversation offered a natural segue in the ontology of numbers; for once I didn’t have to force it. Someone made the seemingly […]

Julia Blend (Animated Julia Sets)Draw Julia set animations by simply defining a 2d line though the complex plane. A Julia set is simply a recursive function or iterative process that takes the form z=z^2+cwhere the initial value of z is a complex number representing a point in 2d space, and c is any complex.The z argument is updated until […]
Site News
Works in progressI realise it’s been sometime since my last post. Don’t fear, the site’s still well and truly active. I am going through some personal stuff and accommodation issues following the death of a very close friend and housemate.Although my being is inseparable-from/interwoven-with mathematics and programming, I must take some time to focus on being the […]
Site News
Web Development
How this site is run?Hosting I rent a VPS from digital ocean, it’s running Ubuntu 18.04 and resources can be scaled as required, billed per second. They don’t pay me anything to advertise them and still I wholeheartedly recommend it. The VPS is configured for providing hosting to me and my clients, as well as a few cronjobs and […]
Philosophy of Mathematics
On the undecidability of mortality.If you have a background in predicate logic or computer programming you’ve probably heard the phrase “All men are mortal, Socrates is a man. Therefore Socrates is mortal”. We’ll come back to this phrase because I take offense with every single claim it makes. It 1936 it was proven by Alan Turing that there is […]

Old Projects
Drawing Plants in C#Today I’d like to share another old project of mine.I’ve been looking through my old YouTube uploads and trying to see which scripts I can still track down. Most scripts I wrote as a beginner programmer I’ve shared at some point on my Facebook (A practice I stopped about 8 years ago). If I look […]
Old Projects
Pascal ASCII AnimationI’d like to share some very early ASCII art of mine; a pascal ascii animation I thought was lost to time. I was still relatively new to programming when I made this so I didn’t think of things like backups. I didn’t have anything particularly useful to motivate me to preserve it. By chance it […]

Online L-System DrawerThe L-System, or Lindenmayer system, named after it’s creator, Aristid Lindenmayer.L-systems were introduced in 1968 to describe the behavior of plant cells and model the growth of a variety of organisms. However, L-Systems are an incredibly versatile tool. In no way are they limited to biology; anywhere requiring parallel state changes can be modeled with […]

Drawing With GravitySimulation is a great way to learn new concepts. Whenever I’m confronted with some scary physics equation I can’t follow I usually try to find the equivalent concept in a syntax I know. In the following post I will covering a few loose simulations of Newtonian inspired gravity.It’s not true Newtonian gravity as I was […]