Category: Code

PHP File Upload
PHP File Upload

Automatically generate a secure single page upload form in php/html. Form Filename: Upload Directory: Filetypes (CSV): Size Limit (Kb): Form Width (%): Bgcol: mySQL: MYSQL Settings: Host: Database: User: Password: As the form is made client-side none of this information is sent to the server Your password will remain private. ID: Name: Size: Date: Type: […]

Human Readable Spectrum Files
Human Readable Spectrum Files

XML based spectrum files and a Python class for reading, writing, and modifying them. I was hoping to put together a Javascript tool for visualising the Red-shift of different celestial phenomena over different distances.Sadly it didn’t take long to learn the dominant file format for spectra (.SPC) is binary encoded and pretty complex; as a […]

RPG/Roguelike Worldmap Developer
RPG/Roguelike Worldmap Developer

This is a collaborative world developer, the front end for our game’s planning process.
Here we can see the entire distribution of terrain to make sure everything makes sense.
By clicking any tile it takes us to another page with a variety of options; we can open the corresponding map in the map maker, change the terrain type and tileset, mark the map to be procedurally generated at playtime (which is the default) or to asynchronously append a note for all other developers to read.

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