The Sun Microsystems .au not the ones from Audacity. I believe it’s a great place to start learning about structs, how to pack/unpack, and how to work with file headers.
Particle Swarm Optimisers are ideal for fine-tuning the numerical variables of a given process/function/structure so long as you can define a way to measure how well it has performed.
Quite simply I’m too indecisive to know where I stand. I feel like I’m ready to accept most schools of mathematical thought, even if they are is complete opposition.None of the traditional schools really encompass all things I want to meditate on; I like to treat metaphysical assumptions like axioms, so I love the idea […]
This library will allow for the easy creation of 3d Wavefront .Obj Files in Scheme. I’ve made sure the code is R5RS compliant, tested under Dr-Racket but I’m pretty sure it should work in MIT-scheme and probably many other dialects.
This is my 3d library, from my personal R5RS build; It requires my .obj library be loaded.At the end I’ve also attached and commented out a few examples and demos. The simplest top-level Function is the surface of revolution, you simply enter a 2d shape as a list of 2d-points (just cons cells, no special […]
This is one of my earliest python projects. Made while still learning python, ported this over from an old Delphi project of mine. For stronger encryption, and to encrypt files as well as strings try one of my newer ciphers like Rubik’s Crypt, however this should be a great choice for a beginner python programmer, […]