A bunch of R5RS functions likely to be required in multiple projects
(#%require srfi/27)
(define None 'None)
(define Undefined 'undefined)
(define (distance2d point1 point2) (sqrt (+ (expt (- (car point2) (car point1)) 2) (expt (- (cdr point2) (cdr point1)) 2))))
;;Get distance of 2d point encoded as a cons cell
(define (distance-inner a b) (if (or (null? a) (null? b)) 0 (+ (expt (- (car a) (car b)) 2) (distance-inner (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
;;Sum the difference between a and b squared.
(define (distance point1 point2) (sqrt distance-inner a b))
;;N Dimensional Distance Function for null terminated lists
(define (angle-distance angle1 angle2) (let ((dist (mod (- (mod angle1 tau) (mod angle2 tau)) tau)))
(if (< dist pi) dist (- tau dist))))
(define (angle-difference angle1 angle2)
(let ((dist (mod (- (mod angle2 tau) (mod angle1 tau)) tau)))
(if (< dist pi) dist (- dist tau))))
(define (mod a b) (* b (- (/ a b) (floor (/ a b)))))
(define (remove-if c l) (if (null? l) '() (if (c (car l)) (remove-if c (cdr l)) (cons (car l) (remove-if c (cdr l))))))
(define pass 'pass)
(define pi (* 4 (atan 1.0)))
(define tau (* pi 2))
(define halfpi (* .5 pi))
(define (filter f l) (if (null? l) '() (cons (f (car l)) (filter f (cdr l)))))
(define (repeat-string string n) (if (zero? n) "" (string-append string (repeat-string string (- n 1)) )))
(define (flatten l) (apply append (map (lambda (x) (if (list? x) x (list x))) l)))
(define (index-2d l pos) (index (index l (car pos)) (cdr pos)))
(define (flatten-tree l) pass)
(define (flatten-tree-withmarkers l) pass)
(define (mcar l n) (if (zero? n)
(car l)
(cdr l)
(- n 1)))))
(define (in a b) (if (null? b) #f (if (equal? (car b) a) #t (in a (cdr b)))))
(define (dictionary . rest) rest)
(define (lookup dict key) (if (null? dict) '() (if (eq? (caar dict) key) (cdar dict) (lookup (cdr dict) key))))
(define (remove-duplicate-keys dict keys) (if (null? dict)
(if (in (caar dict) keys)
(remove-duplicate-keys (cdr dict) keys)
(car dict)
(remove-duplicate-keys (cdr dict) (cons (caar dict) keys))))))
(define (replace-key dictionary key value)
(if (null? dictionary)
(if (equal? (caar dictionary) key)
(cons (cons key value) (cdr dictionary))
(cons (car dictionary) (replace-key (cdr dictionary) key value)))))
(define (new-key dictionary key value)
(cons (cons key value) dictionary)
(define (in-dict key dict)
(if (null? dict)
(if (equal? (caar dict) key)
(in-dict key (cdr dict)))))
(define testdict (dictionary '("a" . 1) '("b" . 2) '("c" . 3)))
(define (dictionary-merge d1 d2) (remove-duplicate-keys (append d1 d2) '()))
(define (dictionary-assign dict key value)
(if (in-dict key dict)
(replace-key dict key value)
(new-key dict key value)
(define (mcdr l n) (if (zero? n)
(mcdr (cdr l) (- n 1))
(define (index l n) (if (zero? n)
(car l)
(index (cdr l) (- n 1))
(define (ainb a b) (if (null? b) #f (if (equal? (car b) a) #t (ainb a (cdr b)))))
(define (random-indices l n . occupied) (if (zero? n) '()
((lambda (x)
(if (ainb x occupied)
(random-indices l n occupied)
(cons x (index l x))
(random-indices l (- n 1) (append occupied (cons x '()))))))
(random-integer (length l)))))
(define (maprangeinner f t n) (if (zero? n) '() (cons (f (- t n)) (maprangeinner f t (- n 1)))))
(define (maprange f n) (maprangeinner f n n))
(define (replace l n value) (append (mcar l n) (list value) (mcdr l (+ n 1))))
(define (increment-index l n) (replace l n (+ 1 (index l n))))
(define (map-index l n f) (replace l n (f (index l n))))
(define (incrementlast l) (append (mcar l (- (length l) 1)) (list (+ 1 (index l (- (length l) 1))))))
(define (pos-sort l) l)
(define (replace2d l coordinates value)
(append (mcar l (car coordinates)) (list (replace (index l (car coordinates)) (cdr coordinates) value)) (mcdr l (+ (cdr coordinates) 1))))
(define (replace-indices-inner l pos-value-pairs position) (if (null? l) '()
(if (null? pos-value-pairs)
(cons (car l) (replace-indices-inner (cdr l) '() (+ 1 position)))
(if (equal? position (caar pos-value-pairs))
(cons (cdar pos-value-pairs) (replace-indices-inner (cdr l) (cdr pos-value-pairs) (+ 1 position)))
(cons (car l) (replace-indices-inner (cdr l) pos-value-pairs (+ 1 position)))
(define (filter f l) (if (null? l) '() (if (f (car l)) (cons (car l) (filter f (cdr l))) (filter f (cdr l)))))
(define (filter-opening l opening) (filter (lambda (x) (equal? (mcar x (length opening)) opening)) l))
(define (filter-out-opening l opening) (filter (lambda (x) (not (equal? (mcar x (length opening)) opening))) l))
;(filter-out-opening '((1 1) (2 2) (4 3 4) (4 0)) '(4))
(define (final-element l) (index l (- (length l) 1)))
(define tau (* 2 pi))
(define (atan2 y x) (if (= 0 x) (if (> y 0) (* .5 pi) (* 1.5 pi)) (mod (if (< x 0) (+ pi (atan (/ y x))) (atan (/ y x))) tau)))
(define (atan-points p1 p2) (atan2 (- (cdr p2) (cdr p1)) (- (car p2) (car p1))))
(define (replace-indices l pos-value-pairs) (replace-indices-inner l (pos-sort pos-value-pairs) 0))
(define (2darray xlen ylen contents) (maprange (lambda (a) (maprange (lambda (b) contents) ylen)) xlen))
(define (range n) (maprange (lambda (x) x) n))
This will be the most frequently updated R5RS file