This is my Luanti/Minetest page. (As the name has recently changed from Minetest to Luanti there is a change these links will become out of date)
Luanti, until recently known as minetest is commonly known as a Minecraft Clone but that’s not a fair assessment, it’s so much more.
It’s a fully fledged Cross Platform Open Source Voxel Game Engine with an amazing community, built-in repository for finding an installing. (The formal definition of how its distinct can be found on their site)
It’s a very community driven project largely designed for extensible modular development, so you can add to it one component at a time, or just as easily install large modpacks, or even entire games.
Their mods are all hosted on ContentDB which acts as a large repository akin to apt-get but more user friendly
I’m very new to Lua but Minetest is so developer friendly that I was underway adding nodes and recipes from the moment I first gave it a try.
The game can be found here:
And it’s cross platform so if you’re a Linux nerd you’re in luck. From what I understand it even runs on Android phone and tablet although I haven’t tried it myself.
The most popular game is minetest game, however with the name change I think its name might be changing so I’ll neglect to fill this in for a bit, you’ll find plenty about it on the above links.
Voxel Kingdoms
I have began recently making my first game, starting with Sumian Voice’s Not Actually the Bare Minimum as the start point, it’s a bare bones template for making games in Luanti without having to deal with complex licensing.
The game I’m making is known as Voxel Kingdoms, an open world medieval RPG, revolving around empire building fortifying castles and team PVP. It has it’s own page here if you want to read more in-depth.
The idea is to create a bunch of base modpacks which combine to make a unique gaming experience.
The main plan for the game is that new players will spawn into the main guild by default as a peasant. There they can do odd jobs within the kingdom and climb up the ranks until they have enough gear to face monsters, npc bandits, and rival players on the outside. Once you quest far enough outside of your kingdom you are free to harvest and collect without tax, however anything made within the safety of your kingdom will be paid to your lord, who in turn will use it to finance jobs for new players within the kingdom and place bounties on outlaws as well as financing wars against enemy kingdoms.
Resources can be sent to create NPC fighters loyal to your kingdom who will spawn in waves to attack your enemies or defend against the incoming waves of your enemies.
Once you have enough resources you can create your own kingdom, either as a vassal state which continues to pay tax to your original kingdom in exchange for their protection, or as an independent sovereign in which case you should be prepared to battle anyone who considered you an easy target.
The game includes a magic system as seen below under mods, and will hopefully include the ability for players to create NPCs with customisable dialogue trees who dispense missions and exchange goods on behalf of the kingdom, that way players don’t simply build and fight but create additional content for other players.

With a large variety of custom plants, trees, nodes, environments, and spells.
Most mods will be made for minetest game, but from what I’ve read on the forums the developers would love it if people began developing their own unique game that don’t aspire to be just another minecraft clone, and even advocate releasing independent games forked from Luanti.
If you’d like to begin making your mod this is the current bible of Minetest Modding
It isn’t 100% comprehensive but it’s the perfect introduction to all you’ll need to get started and I’ve found that anything it doesn’t cover has usually already been asked on the Minetest Forums
Or failing then you can usually just google”the topic “
My Mods:
TroMagic (Current called Devmagic while under development, but will be renamed when published)
Adds Mana spells, spell scrolls, provides compatibility with the grenades API, with future plans for integration with the playereffects API, projectiles API, and Mobs API (for summoning)
A more detailed explanation can be found on its page here
and on github here.
– Adds Oblivion style Alchemy to Luanti.
Very early stages of development as of yet unpublished and not shared online anywhere.

My Tools:
Please check back soon:
I plan to make online tools for generating Luanti assets and code