The end goal for Kingdoms, is to create a unique system for creating Teams/Guilds.
Overall the modpack will be built for a game I’m working on (It’s currently working title is Voxel Kingdoms, might change name before release).
Kingdom’s will work both as a physical base which can be fortified for players and npcs to work to defend attacks. Certain resources would be needed to sustain different roles, and as your resources increase so does the max players and NPCs it can support.
At first NPCs will be limited to very simple roles, cutting trees, hoeing soil and planting seeds near water, mining endless tunnels into the earth, but eventually it would be ideal if they could act as soldiers and made to guard the area around the kingdom centers, or spawning as hostile NPCs on the borders of enemy kingdoms.
When a new player joins the world there will be many threats which could kill them, and the safest areas will likely only be safe because of proximity to existing kingdoms, however building in another kingdom, or using their resources would be considered hostile, or be outright impossible, depending on the servers settings.
When a kingdom is created an area around that kingdom will stop spawning monster NPCs, but may still spawn soldiers from kingdom’s you’re at war with, based on its population and resources kingdoms will have a certain strength, when in the wilderness some small advantages will be afforded to the kingdom who can project the most strength there.
So far Kingdoms is made of two parts.
- Citizenship
- Landclaim
As the mod is designed to work with Voxel Kingdoms not all of it will be designed to support other games, but I will care to separate out any Mods that don’t have dependencies Voxel Kingdoms, and hopefully make a fork that can run in any Luanti game
Work so far:
Kingdom Creation:
On the placement of a regal throne a formspec will be opened allowing the player to create a new Kingdom.

When creating a Kingdom you’ll only be required to enter a name and description, then if you decide to change the default ranks you can do that also.
Rank 1 is the highest and by default the creator of the Kingdom will be assigned this position.
The Ranks are entered by typing the rank number, and titles/roles available at that rank.

All citizens will start at the lowest rank and work their way up.
Every time they level up they will have the choice between any of the titles/roles associated with their rank number, how much these choices influence duties is up to the specific kingdom and how it operates.
Joining a Kingdom:
By typing “/citizen_application <KingdomName>” you can open a form for applying to join a kingdom.
Opening this form will also create a detached inventory allowing you to pay a tribute of up to 4 itemstacks. The tribute inventory is persistent and if a players application isn’t accepted they can take the items back or choose to add a better bribe for admission.

Roles within a Kingdom
Each character will have a list of roles and responsibilities. Whenever you choose a certain role/title in your rank your character will inherit the role’s default Duties and Privileges, some people with higher ranks will be able to change the privs/duties of ranks below them.

Players will join in the lowest rank, which will vary from Kingdom to Kingdom, in each rank there will be a number of different titles to choose from.
Sometimes, often with gendered titles, these titles are simply duplicates (like King/Queen) and would have the same Duties and Privileges as each other, however many times the different rank titles will correspond to different roles.
Each time you are promoted up by rank, you will get to choose a role, but I intend to add quests/missions to the game before trying to develop kingdom experience so for now promotions up ranks must be manually approved by someone higher level in the kingdom with the appropriate conditions.